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Why You Need to Make Your Website More Inclusive

By August 6, 2021No Comments

Websites have come a long way since the days of a simple HTML page, and they continue to change with the evolution of technology. There are more people online now than ever before and as a leader, you have a responsibility for making sure that your website serves all users who visit your site. 

We’ve identified three main reasons you should review your website to make sure it’s inclusive.

Your website should appeal to every visitor

You want everyone who visits your page to have a good user experience.  Websites that are not inclusive can often stop people from using your site.  Visitors want to feel included in your work – anything that makes them feel like they don’t belong can cause them to leave without receiving any benefit.  The lack of representation in a website can lead to people feeling unwelcome. It can also lead to missed opportunities for sales and revenue.

Your website should be easy to use

For those who approach this world differently, having a non-inclusive website can make it harder to use.  Think of those who have hearing or vision problems, those who have sensory issues, or those who speak English as a second language.  If you don’t ensure your website is easy to use for everyone who visits, you make it harder for those who want to engage with you.

Your website reflects you & your business.

Your website is the storefront to your business. It’s the first impression you give to people who visit it.  It’s the one place where you can tell your story, showcase your work, and provide an opportunity for people to connect with you.  A great website should be an extension of your personality and should feel like it’s yours. It should reflect the values, beliefs, and goals of your company.  Your website should reflect your commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Inclusive website design is essential to creating a healthy workplace and a welcoming environment. Inclusive design can help create an atmosphere where all employees, customers, or students feel the same sense of inclusion. This can lead to improved productivity, customer satisfaction, and more.

If you want to learn more about making your website more inclusive, sign up here for a free website assessment today!