

DEIB Audit & Strategic Development

Conference room with a large table and 3 individuals collaborating in front of a laptop.

DEIB Audit & Strategic Development

Helping you recognize disparities within your current organizational culture DEIB and offering guidance that drives meaningful transformation.

Staff Training

A group of professionals watching a presentation in a modern office setting.

Staff Training

Interactive learning sessions featuring topics such as bias, microaggressions, allyship, inclusive recruiting, cultural competency, and inclusive leadership to move your organization and staff forward in their DEIB journey.

  • Two professionals collaborating in an office in front of a laptop.


    Have questions about something DEIB related? Need guidance on a project? Want to partner
    on a new initiative? Our consulting services offer collaborative support to closely assess your organization’s practices, identify gaps, and develop tailored strategies for impactful change.

  • Modern office with seven professionals cheering around a table with laptops.

    Strategy Development

    A 1-year proprietary process that takes your
    organization from theory to action through an organizational assessment, 3-year
    strategic plan and resource development.

  • Focus on a microphone is a blurred background of an audience.

    Keynote Speech

    60–90-minute speech to kick off or end your event. Includes a customized, unique speech, tailored to your audience that will inform, excite, and empower
    them to action.

  • Employees in a modern office workspace with a desktop computer and stationery on a clean desk in front of a white board collaborating.

    Executive Coaching

    1:1 Coaching around DEIB to help participants gain self-awareness, create goals, achieve development objectives, unlock their inclusive potential, and learn how to role model inclusive behavior.

  • Office scene with people collaborating over a laptop on a desk.

    Employee Resource Group Setup

    Let us partner with you to set up company ERGs. We will provide guidance and implementation around guidance, hierarchy, structure, purpose, recruiting, and communication.